Winnow AI

Lightning-fast answers to basic legal questions

Winnow AI provides quick, informative answers to common legal questions powered by our comprehensive database of over 60,000 state and federal requirements.

An AI Assistant That Doesn’t Invent Laws

Winnow AI’s scoping mitigates common limitations of other AI products, such as hallucination, by basing answers on Winnow’s attorney-reviewed content.

Supercharge Your Legal Research

Unblock your workflow and accelerate productivity. Winnow AI answers your specific legal questions focused on specific jurisdictions and product types.

Answers at Your Fingertips

Get incredibly fast, reliable answers in seconds! Choose a jurisdiction, product type, and then type your question. It’s that simple!

A Perfect Companion Tool

Winnow AI compliments our already impressive state and federal compliance survey-building capabilities. Start your research with the AI assistant and transition your query to a full survey to track updates!

Responses You Can Trust

Winnow AI answers are informed by our comprehensive database of attorney-reviewed law requirements, so you can be confident in their accuracy.

See What People Are Saying

 Innovative Companies Use Winnow

An Affordable Assistant for Any Budget

Winnow AI is incredibly powerful, and won’t break the bank. With our stand-alone subscription, you’ll get a monthly allowance of prompts to help you research faster, smarter, and for less money.

Winnow AI is currently in closed beta. A Winnow representative will contact you once we are ready to accept new customers.


  • Winnow AI is our latest product offering that leverages the power of large language models (LLM) and natural language processing (NLP) artificial intelligence. It allows customers to easily and intuitively get answers to basic legal questions around topics that Winnow covers.

    Winnow AI creates responses based on our comprehensive database of over 60,000 individual state and federal law requirements. This scoping mitigates common limitations of other AI products, such as hallucination, by basing answers on attorney-reviewed content.

  • Yes, Winnow AI comes solely as a stand-alone subscription. You must already have a regular Winnow subscription in order to add on Winnow AI.

  • Winnow offers several subscriptions that include Lending Products, Bank Deposits and Privacy & Cybersecurity. You can bundle your subscription or subscribe to a few product types a-la-carte.